“The force making wholeness joining together, shall I call it Eros? Then its opposite is Dis? Disintegrating. Also necessary because without this last we’d be stuck with all the old wholenessess? The worn-out ones?” Marion Milner, Eternity’s Sunrise
In my work, I seek to rescue and reintegrate fragments of depth and beauty from our media-saturated throw-away society. This is an art of literal and figurative recycling. My images are made by hand from scraps of paper - magazines, book jackets, paper dolls, stickers, photos - that naturally accumulate in contemporary life. After disassembling select images from their original contexts, I reconfigure them to express something timely and true about the Self. This process is not altogether distinct from dreaming, both take readily received impressions from the outer world and transfigure them into an intuitive expression of the inner world. From cultural and aesthetic diversity, I create dynamic wholenesses. It is an exercise in contemplation and composition, finding harmony within the maelstrom, the balance arrived at through proper placements and unexpected generative relationships. It is an act of discovering how the fragments belong to each other. Often in my work, I conjure archetypal presences by using iconic classical images, asking them to take an updated incarnation. Also, I frequently include original process paintings to serve as shapes and backgrounds. My work is a playful dialogue between life-giving mess and ordered relationship.
Tree of Life